
Big Colorful Books Are Still Popular

With all the technology available we are often asked why print?  Well there is a simple reason for that.  People still like to read and have the feeling of flipping through page after page.
Imagine what we would do without our favorite magazine, journal, calendar or coffee table book.

So here are 5 reasons why you should consider printing your travel book, journal or calendar:

1. Great conversation starter

Yes,  seeing the copy of a beautiful coffee table book will grab your guests attention.  You have to admit that you enjoy browsing through the picture books of your friends.

2. A book does not get lost in a bunch of computer files.

A book is ever present.  Images are beautiful and the content is interesting. There is something comforting seeing and touching a book, think about the Bible, which by the way is one of the top 10 most read books in the world.  Books are patient and wait until you pick them up.  It does not require any electricity nor special lighting.  It is, well, a book.

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